Article No. 0640

God Created YOU
Love Yourself!

“You are altogether beautiful,
My love;
There is no flaw in you.”

Song of Solomon 4:7

How do you feel about yourself?

NoSelfLove Have you ever felt unloved, rejected, insignificant, unappreciated or perhaps even like you were invisible? If so, you may have over time developed a distorted view of how God created you, but that is NOT how God views you!

Regardless of all the hurts and perceptions you have had about yourself or what others may have said or done to you, right now is the time to change your self-perception by looking at yourself and how God views you through a different lens. Once you do you’ll then see how God views you and realize this one important truth that You were NEVER created to be Rejected, but CHOSEN because the Bible says:

“Even before he made the world,
God loved us and CHOSE US
(that includes YOU!)
in Christ to be holy and
without fault in his eyes.”

Ephesians 1:4

(and also that you are & were)

“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.”
Psalm 139:14

This means that even before God poured out the oceans, lit up the stars and formed the mountains He saw You. He chose you to be His own, because He wants you to belong to Him. This means you’re desired, and to be desired means you’re Greatly Valued!.

You see, your heavenly Father loves and cherishes you just as you are. You are always in His thoughts 24/7, and He holds you close in His heart. He treasures you and longs for you to come to Him.

My friend, if you are struggling to love yourself, remember to look through the 'real lens' and toss out the Old Lens that distorts who you truly are, because you ARE a Chosen, Created & Cherished Child of God..

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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