Article No. 0638

Are You
Hot, Cold or

“I know your works:
You are neither COLD nor HOT.
Would that you were either cold or hot! So,
Because you are LUKEWARM, and
Neither hot nor cold,
I will spit you out of my mouth.”

Revelation 3:15-16

HotColdLukewarm Today’s verse are powerful words from Christ to the church or Laodicea, the last of the seven churches listed in Revelation chapters two and three. Laodicea means literally '(the) people (are) ruling' and it is a condemnation of how Christians in that church had become lethargic about their walk with and relationship with God.

Today we are repeating this same pattern in modern day Christianity where emphasis on self, comfort, and wealth are more important than devotion to God and letting Him rule our lives, not we ourselves. The Bible clearly tells us from prophecy and scripture that these are indeed the 'End Times' and that we must all be careful in this last age to not make the same mistake as the Laodiceans and heed Christ’s warning. Instead of having 'People Rule' in our churches and personal lives, we need to have 'God Rule,' be HOT and wake up our spiritual lives to be on FIRE for Him instead of yielding to lukewarm faith like the Laodiceans.

So how do we avoid becoming lukewarm — or even worse — cold towards God?! By staying close to God’s Word! The Word is shaper than any two edge sword, and when you apply it daily in your life it penetrates deeply inside your soul down to your very bones and transform you into His image, and not your own.

Friend, your spiritual life, and the life of your church will be HOT when you stay close to God’s Word and are obedient and faithful to Him. Be always as Colossians 3:15 says to “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body,” and not the wanton desires of an easy life. When you do, His Peace (which means WHOLENESS) will keep you HOT, and He will never spit those that are “Out of His Mouth.”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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