Article No. 0637

You Don’t Have To
Be In A Foxhole
To Pray This Prayer

“The LORD hears his people
When they call to him for help.
He rescues them from all their troubles.”

Psalm 34:17

foxhole-prayer There is a common saying among soldiers in the midst of battle that 'There are no ATHEISTS in foxholes.' When faced with the horrors of war, dead comrades around them, and the threat of death at any time, it is human nature — be you a believer, agnostic, or atheist — to cry out to God and plead, “God Please Save Me!”

However, you do not have to be in imminent danger to turn to God — because here’s the thing. Even if you are not in a foxhole and just living your life, we ALL are in 'Imminent Danger' of death. It may not happen in the coming seconds as the soldier under battle, but it WILL happen in a coming season. When that time comes, it will be no different than that soldier because if you are not prepared and are not right with God, you will not die one death but two — first in your body, and second in your spirit.

As today’s scripture says, the Lord hears the prayers of ALL that call out to him — and you don’t have to be under fire in a foxhole to have your prayer heard! He will rescue ALL those that recognize the danger they will face in death, call out to Him, and ask Him to rescue them from this life and deliver them into the next.

Ask God to save you today from eternal death so you will be SAVED to ETERNAL LIFE! Life could end any second, and WILL end in one season. Don’t delay - pray the soldier’s prayer today, “God Please Save Me!”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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