Article No. 0634

Moving From

“For he hath not despised nor abhorred
The affliction of the afflicted;
Neither hath he hid his face from him;
But when he cried unto him, HE HEARD.”

Psalm 25:12

strive-upwards The Book of Job is about a man that, despite having lost everything in life — family, children, wealth and health — plus sitting isolated and alone sitting in sack cloth covered with sores and his so-called friends telling him to blame God for his sufferings, Job never gave up! Why? Because he knew deep within his soul that God was with Him.

Even so, God allowed Satan to put Job to the test to see what he’s do in this his affliction, yet all the while God knew Job’s character that Job would come out victorious!!! The end result was that Job was highly favored by God and exceedingly more blessed beyond measure before his affliction occurred.

While we today are not in the same degree of trial as Job, the entire world right now is shaking with the threat of disease, famine, and war, but like Job, we also must not give up or give in! Unlike Job we have a lifeline, and that is Jesus! While Satan wants to toss us back and forth like a ping pong ball, don’t fall for his tactics because despite our difficulties God is with us to not just SURVIVE but THRIVE.

Remember… everything is this life is Temporary, and these trials are a test to make you stronger, just as it is written:

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory!”
2 Corinthians 4:17

Your life here is just a wisp in the wind, so don’t look down or let yourself get weary. Instead, LOOK UP! Because we have an even greater hope within us than Job did! Despite the outward appearances of disorder and turmoil, seize the sure promise of scripture which boldly proclaims:

“We are more than CONQUERORS through Him that Loved Us”
Romans 8:37

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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