Article No. 0632

When Our Own Creation
Rebels Against Us

“But they rebelled, and
Vexed his Holy Spirit: therefore he was
Turned to be their enemy...”

Isaiah 63:10

terminator-robot The now classic “Terminator” movies foretold of a future where advanced computers and robots would become self-aware, rebel against the people that created them, and turn to be the enemy of mankind. Today, with extremely high-speed networking, massive storage, sophisticated robotics and immense computational capability combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) software, we may in fact be close to a 'SkyNET' moment when our creation will rebel against US.

While this destructive future may soon become a reality, We (also) as the CREATED have rebelled against Our CREATOR. Once Adam and Eve believed the lie that they also would “Be Like God” [ Genesis 3:5,7 ] they too became 'Self-Aware' and rebelled against their Creator. In the Book Of Revelation as well as many Old Testament prophecies, it details how people in the end times will rebel against God in the ultimate hope of destroying Him who created them.

The truth of the matter is that just like the T-800 robot in “Terminator 2” we too have all rebelled against our CREATOR, and that is what the Bible calls SIN. In our self-awareness, we likewise — in our self-aware programming — believe ourselves to be independent beings where our 'Natural Intelligence' says we are free to do as we please, and NOT as our creator originally created us to be.

Like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s robot character in Terminator 2, we can likewise be re-programmed to do good and obey the instructions of Him who created us:

“Do not be conformed to this world,
But be transformed by the
That by testing you may
Discern what is the will of God,

Romans 12:2

Whether you are a Christian —or not yet a believer — transform your mind. Don’t be like the T-800. Put your old thinking aside and put on the perfect mind of God as He originally created you to be!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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