Article No. 0628

Are You In
“The Book?”

“No one unworthy will be allowed
To enter (heaven) except those whose
Names are written in the

Revelation 21:27
(Heavily Paraphrased for clarity and brevity)

WhitePages Long before cell phones, everyone had a telephone at home, and their name, address, and phone number was in a book published by the local phone company called “The White Pages.” So when someone wanted to reach you, you’d just tell them, “I’m In The Book!”

While the White Pages have long faded into history, there is another much more important book in heaven called THE BOOK OF LIFE, and in that book is written the names of all those that will one day be in heaven. As today’s verse says, not everyone’s name is in that book, because all those that are unworthy will not be allowed into heaven. So the question is, who are those that are WORTHY and those UNWORTHY, and which one are you?

God likewise, wants to reach you, and you must be IN THE BOOK and to do so, the Bible says:

“Do those things that will show that
You have turned from your sins.”

Matthew 3:8

This is what the Bible calls REPENTENCE, that is that you confess and admit that you are a sinner and are asking for God’s forgiveness. For many people this is not easy because they (maybe you?) don’t think you are that bad or that God is that unmerciful that your name isn’t automatically 'in the book' — but that is not what the Bible says! Only those that are found to be worthy are in that book and all those that are not worthy are not.

Friend, God cannot find you if your name is not IN THE BOOK, and there is no reason why your name should not be in it except you choose not to be in it. You can be worthy before God! Simply ask Him from a sincere and pure heart to forgive you of your sins, And He Will.

Is your name in the Book of Life?

Do you want it to be??

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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