Article No. 0622

On Which Side
Of The Cross
Are You?

“There they crucified Him,
And with Him two others,
Jesus in the middle.”

John 19:18

ThreeCrosses As today’s scripture verse states, at the crucifixion of Christ there were two men with him. The one on his LEFT mocked Christ saying in essence, 'If you are who you say you are, save yourself!' but the one on his RIGHT retorted that 'We criminals are deserving of this punishment, but this man is not.' Then the man on the RIGHT said, 'Lord remember me in your kingdom,' and with that simple confession of faith, Jesus told him that he would be with him after death.

Like those two thieves on the cross, we all have robbed from God and are 'malefactors' of sin worthy of death and deserving of punishment. However, the Bible says that “Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death.” [ Psalm 68:20 ] and He provides that through faith in Christ to deliver.

The man on the right made that confession, but the man on the left cursed him that would provide his way of escape. All of us are on one side of the cross or the other.

Which side of the cross are you on?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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