Article No. 0619

Are You
Of Jesus?

“If anyone is ASHAMED of me
and my message in these adulterous and sinful days
the Son of Man will be ASHAMED of that person
When he returns in the glory
of his Father with the holy angels”

Mark 8:38

ashamed-woman Let’s face it…if you wanted to become what people often ridicule these days as a 'Holy Roller,' then it would look completely embarrassing and stupid to your friends, family and peers to worship a 'make believe friend' like god. So if for some weird reason you were to change your mind and actually become a Christian, you would not want to do that because you would be embarrassed and ashamed, YES?

OK! I get that and that makes perfect sense. Christians appear to be a bit wacky in that they believe weird stuff like Noah’s ark, stories about a talking donkey, and Jesus raising himself from the dead. It’s perfectly logical to not want to associate with any of that, and if you did, you’d be ashamed to be associated with Jesus…but what does the Bible say about people like that?

In today’s scripture quote, Jesus very clearly says that if you are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of you as He stands before the throne of God and the whole host of holy angels in heaven. So even if you maybe/kinda casually agree that this Jesus/God/Bible stuff is probably true or mostly so, but you don’t have the time to get into it — or even more important — would be embarrassed and ashamed to admit it to everyone that knows you, judging by this quote you might be in a position someday that you may not want to be in.

Again as today’s quote from the Gospel of Mark says, it is His WORD that people are ashamed of, and His Word says to turn to Him as the only way to save your soul out of this world and transport you into the next. Yes, this is a big step and from the standpoint of those around you will appear un-scientific, illogical and EMBARRASSING to associate yourself with what appears to many as a bunch of silly fables.

Friend, life is all about choices. Do you choose to follow Christ, regardless of the ridicule, or are you more comfortable going with the crowd? Either He IS who He says He is and promises what He says He promises or he isn’t. No one can make that decision for you. So the question is:

   “Have you decided to follow Jesus, or follow the crowd?”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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