Article No. 0613

You Have Faith
In Strangers…
But Not In God?!?

“We can (always) go to God
With bold confidence
Through faith in Christ.”

Ephesians 3:12

TwoLaneRoad We’ve all had the experience of driving down a dark two lane road at night with another car approaching quickly in the opposite lane. Although we don’t know anything about that car or the driver, we assume 'IN FAITH' that that car will stay in it’s lane, just as we will stay in ours. However, in a worst-case scenario, what if the driver has a sudden heart attack, or their tire blows out at the last second and they careen into our lane head on?

Chances are you have never thought much about that, but congratulations — you’ve just trusted your life entering into eternity to a complete stranger without any say-so by you! Meanwhile for most people it seems illogical or silly to trust or even believe in God who not only made you and everything in the universe, but who also deeply loves and cares about your life and the eternal destination of your soul.

Think about that for a moment.

Yet this is how many people live their lives, and like that ubiquitous mystery driver, many blindly place complete faith in others things that have no care for you personally like society, the government, and other things all with the 'assumption' that anything that happens in and around you will be ok.

Friend, if there is anyone that you CAN trust with 100% certainty it is your Heavenly Father. He alone has your best interests at heart, and only asks in return that you trust and believe in Him and confess that He is right 100% of the time. When you fully place your trust in God, you are placing your life in His hands, and His hand will faithfully guide you to what is always best for you.

As today’s scripture assures us, we can ALWAYS go to God boldly in confidence. If you have not yet placed your trust in Him, right now is the time. Just pray this simple prayer from your heart in faith, believing:

Heavenly Father,
Today I place my trust in you to
guide me in every aspect of my life.
I trust you as the authority in my life
in all situations.
Forgive me of all my past sins and
placing my trust in myself or others.
I want from this day forward to
trust and obey you in all
aspects of my life. I ask that you
hear and accept this confession.
in the Name of Jesus I Ask This,

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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