Article No. 0610

It Is Never
Too Late
To Turn Back

“Unless You Repent
(i.e. lit. Change your mind/turn-back)
You Too Will Perish.”

Luke 13:3

U-Turn-OK Have you ever been on a road that seems like it will go on forever? Life is sometimes like that in that it gives us the illusion that it will never end, however the reality is that all of our roads will eventually lead to a DEAD END unless we turn around and take another route.

Jesus said that “Wide is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” and as today’s picture shows, as enticing and as easy as it is to flow down this wide road, it always leads to a tragic dead end.

Fortunately, there is a sign along all mileposts of this road informing you that it is OK to turn-around at any time and make a U-Turn. If you have read thus far, this is one of those signs!

In the Bible, the word REPENT means to 'Change One’s Mind.' It is never too late to admit your mistakes, change your mind about who God is and agree with Him and get on the road that leads to Him and ETERNAL LIFE, and not continue down the road to destruction and ETERNAL DEATH.

Are you happy and confident where your 'Road Of Life' is leading you?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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