Article No. 0609

Are You Playing
Russian Roulette
With Eternity?

“Don't worry about tomorrow.
It will take care of itself.”

Matthew 6:34

EternalRoulette Today’s Bible verse is Jesus is reminding us that in this life we are not to worry about the future — and that applies to both now and into eternity! In an even greater context, this is also a promise for those that are devoted and have absolute faith in God of their assurance of eternal life.

On the other hand, for those that have no faith in god but replace it with a Laissez Faire (i.e. “let things take their own course”) attitude that assumes that after this life is over, whatever happens will likewise “Take Care of Itself” are making a tragic, eternal mistake. You see, the Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 that once we die, there will be a judgement on our lives — not based on whether we are 'naughty or nice' — but what is our relationship (or rather LACK of relationship) to God.

If you are not planning about what happens after your life ends You Are Playing Russian Roulette With ETERNITY. The Bible says (not me…) that once on the other side for those that do not make a decision about what happens next after death There Will Be Weeping And Gnashing Of Teeth! In other words, extreme – and eternal – REGRET for not listening to the many warnings that you have been given. Contrary to (an erroneous) popular belief, it is NOT God but YOU that has self-condemned yourself and signed your own warrant. After that is too late, and you will have sealed your own fate.

If you have read this far, for certain this is a very dark and stern message, but the gravity of assuming that 'tomorrow will take care of itself' is not to be taken lightly. It is the single most important decision that you will ever make.

Friend, we ALL have FREE WILL and choices to believe (or NOT believe) anything we want in this life. What is it that YOU believe?

There is one thing for certain, and that is that that 'life' Russian Roulette gun has a bullet in it, and it is NOT a pop-gun saying NO AFTER-LIFE.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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