Article No. 0605

God Sees
The True

“God does not see what man sees,
For man looks at the outward appearance,
But the LORD sees the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

Distdain My first job out of the Navy was working for a fine men’s store in San Francisco, and while our suits were definitely of a very high quality and not inexpensive, they were not on the same level as the world-class couturier design houses of the ultra rich.

One of my favorite suits was a grey three piece that one of our tailors custom fitted to perfection for me, and although inexpensive compared to the best of Paris or Milan, it wasn’t inexpensive nor in the same league of Seville Row, London — yet still looked terrific.

After college, I was a software engineer at AT&T and one of the great benefits of that job was traveling to take engineering classes. One of them happened to be in New York City, and being a 'clothes guy' I had always wanted to go into the famous men’s store at BARNEYS NYC.

On my lunch hour I walked in wearing my fabulous three-piece suit, shoes polished to the nines and even a stick pin in my lapel (hey…this was the 80’s!) and while browsing through the men’s clothing area, curiously, three nearby salesmen never approached to ask if they could serve me. I thought that odd as that is what I would have done in their position, but shortly after this, two things hit me.

First, I got the nerve to turn over some price tags and was shocked! Compared to my old store in San Francisco where the average suit was $250 to $600, their suits started at $2,000 and went UP! I guess they sized me up in my $350 suit and looked down on me as someone that was definitely outside of their league, and I embarrassingly made a hasty retreat under their scorning eyes.

Today’s Bible verse speaks precisely to this judgment of appearances. People do indeed 'judge a book by it’s cover' — but that is not how God sees YOU. No matter where you are, what you do, what kind of car you drive, neighborhood you live in, how rich or poor or talented or good (or not good looking) you are the LORD sees you for WHO YOU ARE and loves and accepts exactly as you are. Period.

Friend, it is easy to get caught up in the sin of comparison that either you place on others or they place on you, but in the grand scheme of things, it is how and where your heart is as a human being — and more importantly — how your heart attitude is towards God.

God sees the true you. See that in yourself and also see that in others, because that is all who all of us really are.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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