Article No. 0604

What You Permit
God Will Not Defeat

“Mine eye shall not spare,
Neither will I have pity, but
I will recompense their way
Upon their head.”

Ezekiel 9:10

ConsequencesSign The Famous “El Arroyo” restaurant in Austin Texas is well known for their excellent Tex-Mex food, but also for their witty and wise signs like this one in today’s picture. Likewise like the title of this message we are also warned that when we chose to go our own way outside of the safe guidelines that God is giving us in living life that there will ALWAYS BE CONSEQUENCES.

All of us have a conscious (which is simply God speaking to our spirit) as well as access to the most published book in human history of a “Life’s Owners Manual” that everyone in the world has access to (but many never read) called the B.asic I.nstructions B.efore L.eaving E.arth. When we follow the instructions in this book carefully, it doesn’t mean everything in your life will be smooth sailing, but it does promise us that no matter what the trial we will always have a means to eventually have victory over it.

On the other hand as the verse in Ezekiel says, when we go our own way and choose our own actions outside of the “B.I.B.L.E. Life Manual,” when God sees you in peril because of bad choices, He has no pity over the consequences that you have brought upon yourself.

Instead of going your own way, do as your Heavenly Father instructs:

“Don’t forget my teaching,
But let your heart keep my commandments;
For when you do they will add length to your days and
Years and PEACE to your life.”

Proverbs 3:1-2

When you do, there will always be TRUTH, but no CONSEQUENCES.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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