Article No. 0603

Do You Think
That You Aren’t
You Were To DIE?

“Trust in and rely confidently in the LORD…
NOT on your own
Insights, beliefs, or understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5

NoFearOfDeath It is probably fair to say that both you and I - and most likely almost everyone else reading this - will not die today or tomorrow. Most likely, we will all make it into next week too, so so far so good, right??!?

While we may not think that we are in any immediate danger, the fact is that once we come to the edge of the cliff of life what was once solid ground is certain to crack off, and at that time — regardless of what we think or believe about what comes next — we will all fall into “death.”

If that sounds morbid or a 'downer' the truth is that is a certain fact, and the question you have to honestly ask yourself is “What Comes NEXT??”

Well as today’s scripture verse advises us, do not rely on what you think, believe or hope will happen, but instead rely on the only true rock that will never break on which you can securely stand, and that is CHRIST. For some reading this that is a comforting certainty, but for others (maybe you?) you may have a big problem believing or wanting to receive that. If so, you are not alone.

The Bible tells how the ultra-religious and rebellious Jewish high priests, a group of folks that were so certain of their eternal status rejected Christ the Messiah who was as scripture had prophesied was “The stone which the builders rejected (Christ, who) Has become the chief corner stone.” (Psalm 118:22) However, for all those that stand on the solid rock which is Christ Isaiah 28:16 says “(This) costly cornerstone (which was the blood Christ shed for our sins on the cross) [is] the foundation... and all that believe in it will not be disturbed.” (paraphrased and abbreviated for clarity)

The fact is that death doesn’t have to end falling off a cliff that we all know is eventually going to break. Instead, trust in the LORD by standing on the ROCK which is CHRIST, and do not depend on what you think, believe, or hope that will happen because only those that have built their future on the rock will stand, as the Bible says:

“Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”
1 Corinthians 10:12

Will you choose to stand on that rock today?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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