Article No. 0601

What Do You Mean SAVED?
What In The HELL
Am I Being Saved From?

“For the preaching of the cross is
To them that perish (i.e. in hell)
Foolishness; but unto us which are SAVED
It is the power of God.”

1 Corinthians 1:18

BeSaved Ironically, if you are one of those people that doesn’t believe in Hell or are in the camp of “If God is so good, why would he send anyone to this so-called Hell” then in re-reading today’s title, then you’ve just answered your own question!

You see, this idea of 'Being Saved' only makes sense if you are saved from something. It doesn’t matter if saved from an intense storm, rescued from a mountain top, or from a sinking ship in the ocean. In all of these you were saved from certain death.

Likewise, just as your body can be saved from physical death, your soul can (and MUST) also be saved from a spiritual death in hell. In fact that’s precisely why Christ came and died on the cross! The Bible says that He paid for our (to use a modern phrase) 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card only if we would simply believe in Him and accept His forgiveness for our sins. Otherwise what was the point of His sacrificial death? Then He would have died for nothing to save us from nothing.

Friend, this “You Must Be Saved” thing is NO LAUGHING MATTER, and if you think this idea of hell is a joke, think again! Just as heaven is real, hell is also real and Jesus talked and warned more about hell than he ever did about heaven. However if you still think this is foolish and are also laughing at the fellow holding the sign in this message, then the Bible says that all those that do will PERISH. Sadly those that do will do so on their own accord because they chose to ignore this warning and God’s loving offer of safety.

There is no guarantee of tomorrow and this 'Being Saved' thing is a limited time offer, because after death you cannot call 911, but can only dial 7734 and you will reach and be in hell with no UBER or LYFT out of there (read 7734 upside down!)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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