Article No. 0600

Do Not Live
A Life Valued
By Your Souvenirs

“But one thing I do,
Forgetting what lies behind and
Straining forward to what lies ahead.”

Philippians 3:13

souveniers-life A dramatic TV program once depicted a man dying in a hospital bed surrounded by pictures behind him of his life and with close family by his side. All knew that the end was near and just before he passed he said,

“I have had a wonderful life. All the love, the family, the friends, all my accomplishments, the beautiful places I have seen around the world and the wonderful memories and mementos I have collected. Life has been good, and as I look back I have no regrets. My journey in life is over and I am ready to die and pass into eternal sleep.”

And then he died.

The tragedy in this fictitious story is this same exact scene is being repeated in real life thousands of times each hour all over the world by many oblivious to the new world they are about to enter. Instead of “Straining forward to what lies ahead” they instead leave this life looking back cherishing the souvenirs of life with no thought of looking ahead after their now worthless souvenirs are but a distant memory in the rear view mirror of life.

Jesus put it another way when when He said, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)

Please don’t get to the end of your life with “No Regrets” and LOOKING BACK because you will instead regret not LOOKING FORWARD to a trip that was yours simply by pressing on towards heaven and seeking God’s mercy as your passage there. Putting it bluntly, There Is No 'Eternal Sleep' and living a 'good life' with all it’s souvenirs have no value in eternity. Look forward to Christ today and ask him to forgive you, renew your spirit, and press forward towards Him as the Lord and Saviour of your life.

The journey forward towards God is blessing that you can and will treasure for eternity, and in that only there will certainly be No Regret.

Will you start that journey today?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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