Article No. 0599

Precision, Incision,
Circumcision or

“For the Day of the LORD
Is Near
In the Valley of DECISION”

Joel 3:14

Decision Everyone wields a pair of mental scissors in their mind to cut out what they want or don’t want to believe about God, The Bible, and Truth.

Some people use Precision to carefully cut out the parts they like, while others use Incision to cut up the Bible into useless pieces that are easily discarded. Others use Circumcision to carefully cut around the parts they don’t like, but the wise person makes a DECISION Cutting Away Any Thinking In Their MIND that is in conflict with God’s message of faith, hope, and love.

Whether you’ve consciously thought about it or not, you have made a type of 'CISION' (i.e. Latin “to cut”) your thinking one way or another, yet as today’s scripture reference warns us, how the day when you meet God will turn out will depend on what kind of DECISION you have made in this life to consciously cut down and away (i.e. Latin de=down,away+cision=cut) the sin and false thinking that weighs you down and keeps you from ascending up.

Billy Graham repeatedly said, “Today is the accepted time, TODAY is the day of salvation!” Friend, TODAY is the Day of DECISION! Don’t use your own self Precision, angry Incision or careful Circumcision determine your eternal destiny! Decide TODAY to follow Christ before the decision about your eternal state is made for you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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