Article No. 0594


To meet
Thy God”

Amos 4:12

BePrepared One of the great life lessons I learned in the Boy Scouts was understanding the importance of their simple but profound motto, “Be Prepared,” and that wasn’t more true than in this story...

A group of us Scouts were taken on a camping trek to the end of a trail deep in the back of a hilly, dense forest and were put through a survival test that required us to be ready to meet and pass the challenge ahead. In it, we were each required to have and understand how to use a part of the right equipment and tools needed for us to survive, and then working as a team be able to meet the challenge given us. Despite fleeting thoughts of doubt we fortunately did - but if this was truly a matter of life or death then 'Be Prepared' would have been the essential element to get us to pass through the danger.

The trek through life is the same way too. We all have to be prepared to meet the needs of this life by doing the right things to survive, but what about the trek at the end of the 'Trail Of Life?' Like the scouts in this story are you “prepared” for what comes next?

However unlike this camping expedition, there is no 'tool' that you yourself can bring with you that will save you except one, and that is the saving grace of God on your life. If you have God’s forgiveness to remove the heavy back-pack of the burden of sin on your life, you can and will live abundantly while both in this life (John 10:10) and after the trail of this life as well.

Friend, you NEED TO BE PREPARED TO WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE TRAIL OF LIFE ENDS. If not, like us Scouts in this story, you will NOT be prepared “To Meet Thy God” and that will be a sad ending - even to the best lived and planned lives, and the answer is very simple. Right now, bow your head and open up your heart and say to God:

“I am a sinner and I ask you right now in the name of Jesus Christ to lift this burden of sin off of me. I am truly and deeply sorry for all the things in my life that have grieved you and sinned against you. Please forgive me and make me fit and prepared to meet you, my maker. In Jesus’ name — AMEN

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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