Article No. 0589

The Hidden Danger
Of Amusement

“You have spent your years on earth in luxury,
Satisfying your every desire.
You have fattened yourselves
For the day of slaughter.”

James 5:5

(or...Amusement is Not What You Think It Is)

LifesAmusements Everyone likes to have a good time in life, and one way is by doing something fun. An amusement park is a nice diversion to help forget the cares of life and just enjoy doing things that are exciting and entertaining, but if you are living your life like you are always at an amusement park, you are being successfully misled!

Unfortunately some people — like those referenced in today’s scripture — are constantly seeking the next thrill to tantalize and amuse themselves, and as innocent sounding as the word 'amusement' seems, it has a very strong negative implication.

The word 'Muse' means to “Think, Ponder or Concentrate Mentally” but the 'a' that proceeds it means 'NOT,' so if you are caught up in continual amusements, your focus is being mis-directed and diverted TO NOT THINK ABOUT THAT WHICH IS IMPORTANT, and that 'thing' is what happens after you leave the amusement park of life.

This is exactly one of Satan’s most clever techniques — to divert you from anything spiritual and focused towards God by offering innocent and pleasurable alternatives to distract you until it is too late to get off that ride before you transfer to the most important 'ride' you will ever go on, and that is your RIDE INTO ETERNITY.

Friend, instead of seeking AMUSEMENT, spend time MUSING over the most important decision that you will ever make and that is this:

When the roller coaster of life ends, what station will you be pulling into?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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