Article No. 0586

Belief is Either
Yes or No

(if you…)Believe On
The Lord Jesus Christ and
You Will Be Saved.”
Acts 16:31

BelieveOrLie.jpg Hidden inside the spelling of the word “believe” not so coincidentally is the word “LIE,” and this raises an interesting question about the state of how belief works.

If you think about it, either you BELIEVE something or you DON’T beLIEve something — and there’s no in-between. That is, either you believe something to be true, or else it is a lie…and that is the crux of today’s scripture message.

Either Christ rose from the dead or He didn’t! It’s really that simple, and the question is 'How does one know that, and what would cause someone to come to that conclusion?”

Romans 10:17 says that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” while Hebrews 11:1 adds to that “Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, (and) the EVIDENCE of things not seen.” You see, BELIEF is based on EVIDENCE and that evidence is what the Word of God says. The tough question all must make is, 'Is this evidence TRUE or is it a LIE?'

No one can convince you of that, because you have to make up your own mind. Perhaps it is a LIE and if so, you can ignore, scroll past, or delete, but if it IS true and you believe it, the promise is that God will save your soul for a life in eternity.

Do you believe this or is it a lie? YOU CHOOSE

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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