Article No. 0584

The Spirit
Behind Spiritual

“The first MAN ADAM became a living soul (an individual)
[i.e. restoring the dead to life].”

1 Corinthians 15:45

SpiritualNotReligious There are a lot of good people that do not follow belief systems like Christianity, Judaism or any other religions, but when asked about their faith they’ll say something like 'I’m not Religious, but I am SPIRITUAL,' but what exactly does that mean?

Well of course in the United States people are free to believe, practice or follow any type of spiritual path that they feel is right for them, but what does the Bible say about the nature of our spirit?

In Genesis it says that God made Adam a living soul and Zechariah 12:1 adds that “God Has made the spirit of man that is within him,” so yes — everyone is in essence 'spiritual,' but what type of spirit is that?

When we were born, we all come into this world as Body, Soul, and Spirit, but the Bible says all of our spirits are unregenerate because of the sin of Adam passed down to mortal man and have been corrupted and separated from the likeness of God’s spirit. Now by human nature our hearts are “Desperately Wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9) but from our natural viewpoint “...all of our ways are clean in our own eyes...but the LORD evaluates our spirit.” (Proverbs 16:2) So how can we know of what spirit we really are?

As today’s scripture verse tells us, the last ADAM (Jesus) is the key to regenerating us and giving us a LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, and the only way to have a holy regenerated spirit is by repenting of your sins. When you do, your old spirit will be joined with the Holy Spirit and your true heaven sent spiritual life will begin. (see Acts 2:38)

Friend, do not fall into the trap of defining your own spirituality but instead, “Believe not every spirit, but Try the spirits whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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