Article No. 0582

Your Prayers Will
NOT Be Heard
Without FAITH

“Faith (when applied) is the assurance of
Things Hoped For (and then)
Becomes the PROOF of
Things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

Desperate-Prayer We’ve all been guilty of crying out to God at a critical time of urgent need, but there are two things about this that most people do not understand about why prayers of desperation are never answered.

First, prayers of despair are like a 'Hail Mary' pass that hopes that the prayer will be 'caught by God' and receive immediate attention. After all, since God is in the business of “saving” doesn’t it make sense that God will help you in a time of need? However these kind of prayers are never caught in the heavenly end zone!

Second, God DOES NOT Answer — or Even HEARprayers that are not spoken in FAITH — and the Word of God tells us why when it says:

“If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction,
Even their prayers are detestable.”

Proverbs 28:9

You see, based on this and many other passages in the Bible, we must listen to and walk consistently with God. If not our prayers are NEVER answered unless there is:

  1. Relationship to God
  2. Obedience to God
  3. Faith in God

The reason why is that our prayers will only be answered when we are in a healthy stature with God, and not only HEARING His instructions for our lives but Doing Them (James 1:23). Then and only then will God answer our prayers, otherwise the faithless are out of bounds and will run afoul of any attempts to connect with him.

But there is ONE prayer of desperation that God ALWAYS ANSWERS and that is when you realize your need for Him to forgive you of your sins and ask Him to save your soul. So if you are in a desperate situation right now and are not a person of faith, start with seeking Him for your salvation, apply FAITH in Him and then you will realize the assurance He promises for those that put their trust in Him.

The LORD is there patiently awaiting your call.

Will you reach out to Him in faith today?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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