Article No. 0576

Born Once, Die Twice
Born Twice, Die Once

“You Must Be
Born AGAIN.”

(Jesus Christ)
John 3:7

BirthCertificate While today’s title may be confusing to some, here is what it means — plain and simple.

We are all born physically into this world into our Mortal Bodies, but at some point the PHYSICAL body will die. This is the 'First Death'.

However, we are also SPIRITUAL beings and that are an Eternal Spirit (body) that can also die unless — as Jesus said in today’s scripture — that your SPIRIT must be Born Again. If not, your spirit will face the 'Second Death,' and thus the explanation of today’s message title.

We all are SPIRIT, that has a SOUL that lives (for now) inside of a BODY. We have no choice to avoid the 'First Death' but all can avoid the SECOND DEATH.

All you need to do is to decide to check the second box. How do you do that? Find out how by going to: SECOND BIRTH

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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