Article No. 0575

The Real Reason
Why The Stone Was
Rolled Out Of The Way

“This is the STONE that
Will make people stumble,
The ROCK that will make them fall.”

1 Peter 2:8

StoneRolledAway The #1 reason why many people do not believe that Christ is God is Because Most Do NOT Believe That Jesus Rose From The Dead. It that’s you, read on! Because here is the reason why after he was crucified, the stone was REALLY rolled out of the way.

Christ was cruelly crucified by the Romans, and between a flogging that nearly killed him, then falling in exhaustion carrying his cross, then having nails piercing his hands and feet, death was assured. Nevertheless despite the historical record of the certainty of death by crucifixion, mis-guided religious speculations over the centuries say Jesus somehow survived and then was secretly taken to India where He married Mary and had children. Because of the forementioned this possibility can be eliminated.

However three days after being in the tomb, the Bible says he rose from the dead and left the grave but It Was Not Because An Angel Let Him Out by Rolling Back The Stone! The two soldiers guarding the tomb never saw Christ leave, but they were frightened to the core when the angel appeared after His departure and moved the stone for the express purpose TO SHOW THE WORLD THAT HE WAS NOT IN THE GRAVE.

Even the political forces against him agreed an empty grave would prove what Roman historians decades later referred to as 'This Superstition Of The Christians' but the reason the grave remains open for all to see that HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD.

So what do you think? How and why was the tomb empty? Did a fisherman (Peter) and a tax collector (Matthew) with a few friends overpower two Roman soldiers and steal the body? Or did Christ not really die and become a guru in India? Or instead, was it what the angel said to 'the two Marys' looking into the empty tomb:

“He is not here; he has risen,
Just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay.”

Matthew 28:6

This is the STONE which causes many to stumble, and the ROCK which causes the faith of those not believing to FALL. The tomb is empty — Jesus is not there, and the question is HOW, the answer is WHY?

How would you answer this question?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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