Article No. 0574

A Different
80/20 Rule

“Highly honor the LORD our God.
Bow down at his footstool because
He is holy!”

Psalm 99:5

80-20-Rule Honoring God is the single most important thing that believers can do, yet when it comes to prayer, the 80/20 rule is usually the case. That is for many believers 80% of prayer is in asking God to do something or bless someone, but only 20% of the time is spent giving God praise.

While in the world, the normal rule is the top 20% is the main focus of attention, but in the spiritual world it needs to be the Exact Opposite. Just as today’s scripture — along with over one hundred fifty other verses exhorts us, God is to be honored and glorified FIRST before anything else.

If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ or believer, all this 'praising the lord' stuff must not make any sense — and that is totally understandable, but consider this…

If God really is who the Bible says He IS, that is, THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING we see from the most distant galaxies in deep space photographed by the Hubble and Webb telescopes to the astounding complexity of DNA to the so-called miracle of the aerodynamic impossibility of bumble bees flying. But instead, many “believe” that instead a somewhat unexplainable 'Big Bang' occurred for an unknown reason out of nothing and then the scientific 'fact' that you and I all evolved out of a hot molten rock that just happened to be the precise distance from the sun to support life requires a lot more 'faith' then acknowledging the unfathomable majesty that God IS and rightfully deserves!

Whether you are a believer in God or not, He is the GREAT “I AM” and as such is worthy to be praised and thanked first above all else for all that He has created — and for your very existence and life.

Friend, give God the Glory He rightly deserves, not just 80% of the time, but always, and the rest will take care of itself, as Jesus promised:

“Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.”
Matthew 6:8

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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