Article No. 0573

Your HOPE Will
Not Become Reality
Without FAITH

“Faith (when applied) is the assurance of things hoped
(and then) becomes the
PROOF of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

HopeFilledFaith There is a big difference between a 'Wish' and HOPE. One of these has power and substance, but the other is an empty shell — and here’s why.

A WISH is a desire of the heart that has defined the shape of what you want but will always just be an empty outline of that which you seek. Wishing does not make anything come to pass except an emptiness inside that mirrors the emptiness of the outline you have drawn in your heart and mind.

On the other hand, HOPE also creates the image of the thing desired but ** Will come to pass when filled with the application of FAITH! **

This is what the Bible means when it says that “Without FAITH it is impossible to please God.” God only responds to prayers and supplications offered up in FAITH, and when the 'Prayer Of Faith' is applied to 'That Which Is Hoped For' and offered up by asking according to God’s will (1 John 5:14) then the Bible promises us that “You shall HAVE what you SAY.” (Mark 11:23)

The key to everything with God is Faith. It is Faith applied in HOPE that yields the fruit of LOVE.

Friend, richly fill your HOPE with FAITH and watch what God will do!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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