Article No. 0571

You’ve Been
So Take Off
Your Blindfold

“The god of this world hath
BLINDED the minds of them which believe not,
Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
Who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

2 Corinthians 4:4

BlindedPeople For many people, religion in general — (and Christianity in particular) — seems to be a very stupid idea. All this talk about about drinking the blood and eating the flesh of Christ is on par also with the example of hypocritical people living contrary to the standards they so arrogantly preach. If that’s how you feel about Christians and Christianity I DON’T FAULT YOU ONE IOTA. Many others feel the same way, but there’s another reason that is exemplified with the people in today’s picture — and here’s why.

But another reason you might feel this way is you’ve been BLINDFOLDED!

You see, there is an important message that God is putting out to the world of an escape from eternal DEATH and a free offer of eternal LIFE. However Satan is trying to hide that from you by blindfolding you to this message. Jesus even tell us that Satan’s whole mission is to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY (John 10:10) and as long as you have that blindfold on, he will succeed at his mission and he will STEAL your gift, KILL your chance for eternal life and let you be DESTROYed eternally.

Only you can take off your blindfold — all I can do is tell you about it, but this is something YOU have to decide to do.

Will you decide to take off that blindfold today and see what God is offering??

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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