Article No. 0567

Is Your Life
Program Following?

“Make known to me the path of life.”
Psalm 16:11

IBM-PC If you have been around PCs for over 30 years, you might remember the original IBM PC as pictured here and this short example of an 'autoexec.bat' file. “Back in the day,” it was important to customized this very important file because every time you typed a command on the keyboard only programs that were in your PATH would execute or 'run.'

Aside from this ancient computer history, there is a deeper lesson here about what commands can successfully execute in your life, because if you attempt to execute a program outside of the God-given PATH of success it will always returu an ERROR MESSAGE. The key is that all God-ordained commands for success are ALWAYS found in the PATH that God has programmed for you.

When all the programs that you execute in this life are under the directories of 'God,' 'Obey' and 'Christ' then all the programs you want to run in this life WILL run successfully if they are in the directories that God has ordained for you to follow.

What PATH are you following for the commands for your life?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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