Article No. 0566

Adam and Eve
Were Both

“And the eyes of them both were opened
Not of their bodies, but of their minds,
Not so as to have an advanced knowledge of things
Pleasant, profitable, and useful,
As was promised and expected, but of
Things very disagreeable and distressing.”

Genesis 3:7
(Commentary Paraphrase)

WokAdam+Eve Being 'Woke' is popular today, but the first people in history that were truly WOKE were Adam and Eve and they fell for the same lie from the same deceptive serpent that like today represents nothing that is good. Once Adam and Eve accepted Satan’s lies they were faced with the consequences of their choice for embracing 'wokeness' — and the same exact consequences that destroyed their world are also destroying our world today.

The first lie is when the snake said, “Did God really say that?” Likewise those that espouse WOKENESS question everything that is true and good and are replacing this with a “NEW TRUTH” that openly rejects what they claim are false traditions of 'truths' of manipulative lies to control and suppress people.

The second lie is the same error that Eve made. She reasoned that because something appeared to be “good...and pleasant to the eyes” that therefore it was OK to partake in it. Likewise today many foolishly think that whatever is thought that brings one pleasure and partake in is perfectly fine, not matter how weird, colorful, or bizzare. 'Life' is as each person defines it, not as natural law, common sense or biology dictates. Consequently in the past what had been considered honorable, holy or righteous has now been rejected as evil or obsolete, and ANYTHING that was previously considered wrong is now perfectly OK.

But the biggest consequence of walking in 'wokeness' is a divorce from all that is good. This means from GOD, from EDEN (the world that He intended for us to live), and from EACH OTHER.

When Cain slew Able conflict between people raged and people were scattered into tribes and became DIVERSE, which literally means to SEPARATE.

WOKNESS SEEKS DIVISION OF PEOPLE, defining people in classes of haves and have-nots, those superior and those inferior and NOT in the bringing of humanity together in unity.

My friend, 'WOKENESS' is not 'new truths' but an old lie from the month of the same snake. Don’t fall for this same old lie which promises a new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: ''}, 'google_translate_element');

“Depart from evil, and do good!”
Psalm 34:14

In Christ — and in Him alone — comes truth, unity, and pure AWAKENING light.

Will you choose to be AWAKE TO CHRIST or AWAKE TO WOKENESS?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You
Jesus Loves You

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