Article No. 0562

The Only
True Prophet

“For a time is coming when people will
No longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching.
They will follow their own desires and
Will look for teachers who will tell them
Whatever their itching ears want to hear.”

2 Timothy 4:3

JesusAsProphet With all the uncertainty in this world it is natural to wonder what’s going to happen next month and where is this  crazy world headed?

Well one source that a lot of people are following are many on-line Christian prophets who are talking up all kinds of future events, some which are hopeful - and others even catastrophic. In listening to these interesting and often titillating sayings it is very easy to become extremely absorbed in it all, but instead of looking for answers through these prophecies and prophets, consider that instead Jesus was and is the Greatest Prophet who has ever lived! Through the writings and prophecies of the Old and New Testaments we have been given an immense amount of information about the outcome of all future earthly events. In the past there were also great prophets like Moses, David and the Apostle John, yet should we believe in prophesy today? The answer is a cautious YES -- but with one very important instruction and that is this.

You MUST use the Spirit Of Discernment (which comes from the Holy Spirit) to determine if a prophetic word is in fact from God.  However a bigger and more important question is are we to focus our attention on the future by depending on prophets to tell us what is coming next, or are we rather to turn to the Word of God and Jesus to see what He has to teach us?

Whether you are a Christian or not, while God does at various times give prophetic insights to people today, the only sure 'word' that we can depend on and need to listen to first is THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD. So before getting all wound up on the next big event that some tout, hold that person and their words up to the bright light of scripture and you will always know what God is really saying.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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