Article No. 0561

'Open Enrollment'
Will Close

NOW is really 'The Right Time!'
NOW is the 'Day of Salvation'!”

2 Corinthians 6:2

EarlyEnrollmentIsClosing Perhaps you have heard those repetitive commercials on TV hounding you that 'open enrollment' for medical insurance has a deadline - and that date is closing soon, and if you don’t act NOW you will lose out. Fortunately if you do miss the date there is always next year and you’ll have another chance.

Likewise there is an 'open enrollment' for receiving eternal life after your mortal body is long gone and 6' under, but if you wait too long, there is no 'next time' if you miss it.

You see, we all are offered the opportunity to receive what God wants to give us, namely forgiveness for our sins and fellowship with Him who created us with all the grace and love He will give us freely for all eternity. That offer is always 'open' with no expiration date until we breath our last breath, but after that the offer is null and void. As God’s Word reminds us of the first truth that is obvious to all, the second truth of this verse is sadly, often, and ignorantly ignored by others:

“It is appointed unto man ONCE to DIE, and THEN comes the JUDGEMENT.”
Hebrews 9:27

Friend, much better to enroll NOW to the free offer of salvation and deliverance from eternal death then face a judgement LATER where there will be no chance to enroll in eternal life! As the commercial says “It’s Free!” and so likewise is the gift or salvation and eternal life.

So the question for NOW is, “Will You MEET or MISS That DEADLINE??”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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