Article No. 0560

You Can’t
Have It
Both Ways

“(Some people̵s) loyalty is divided
Between GOD and the WORLD and
They are unstable in everything they do.”

James 1:8

double-minded-footing There is an old joke that if you have one foot in a bucket of boiling water and one foot in a bucket ice, then theoretically you should be OK! Well naturally that is ridiculous, but as today’s graphic illustrates, the same is true for people that are professing to be 'christian' to have one proverbial foot based on living by the Bible while the other is planted in a world of drinking, sex, money and fancy possessions. Hopefully the contrast is obvious.

Sadly there are those that like the idea of being a Christian but don’t live a Godly life. These people may even faithfully go to church, have Christian friends and maybe also attend a Bible study but may be having sexual affairs, drink too much, obsessed with making or having lots of money and/or wanting flashy cars, homes and clothes to satisfy their egos or to impress other people.

As today’s scripture says, when you try to live two lives and are split between two different worlds, You Are Truly DOUBLE-MINDED And Will Be Unstable In Your Life. If that is the case, what then is the solution?

Romans 8:5 gives us the answer when it states - “Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things...“ (just like this fellow between looking at the raft of lusts!) HOWEVER “...those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit.”

If your life is not yielded to God and His principles of life and living, then “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2) and Be SINGLE-MINDED on only those things that have Eternal Value.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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