Article No. 0559

You are FORMED
by how

“Your eye is the lamp of the body.
When your eye is healthy,
Your whole body is also full of light.
But when it is bad,
Your body is also full of darkness.”

Luke 11:34

LightOfEye All of us are the sum total of our parts, and all those 'parts' are what we let into our lives. These parts are all the ingredients that make us who we are - and depending on what we let in is what makes up the totality of who we are.

Jesus spoke in today’s scripture that what light we let in comes in through our eyes (and as the old saying goes) “The eyes are the Gateway to our Souls.” If your eye is singularly focused on good things, it illuminates your body with God’s light and this is health to your body, that is, the spiritual being which is your inner self. But if you close that eye and focus instead on what you should not be looking at or letting into your spirit, as Christ says the result will always be a body then filled with darkness.

We all have the choice day by day to let in either the good or the bad and the sum total of what we let in makes up our whole. So ask yourself,“What Am I Made Of? Light or Darkness?” Because you are FORMED by the type of light by which you are INFORMED.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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