Article No. 0558

May The 'Force'
Be With You (?!?)

“I am the LORD.
There is no other God.
I have equipped you for battle,
Though you don’t even know me.”

Isaiah 45:5

TheUniversalForce In Star Wars©, Jedi knight Luke Skywalker battles 'The Dark Side' only to counter this evil power by calling upon 'The Force' which presumably is some type of good power that permeates throughout the galaxies.

Just like in the movie, there are many that don’t perceive that there is a personage of God but that instead there is this benevolent, caring 'universal force' out there that kinda looks after everything and everyone. All that is needed is to tap into it by simply 'asking the universe' and use this “force” to help you in life. While it makes a great story, long before this epic movie came out there are still many that likewise live life depending on this person-less entity to be their guide -- but that is not what the Bible says.

In multiple verses across both the Old and New Testaments the scripture clearly say that THE LORD, HE IS GOD, and as today’s scripture in Isaiah pointedly states, He alone is the only real 'FORCE.' If you need help, it is HE that will equip you to fight any battles you face in this life just as the Psalmist wrote:

“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”
Psalm 145:18

Friend, if you really want to tap into the power of the universe, SEEK HIM THAT MADE THE UNIVERSE and not the universe itself! It is the LORD almighty that made all things that are in this and other galaxies far, far away, AND HE MADE YOU TOO!! It is HE that is waiting for you to call upon HIM, and NOT 'the force.'

Would you call on HIM right now?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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