Article No. 0557

If You Believe
There Is No God
You’d Better Be Right

“If in this life only
We have hope in Christ,
We are of all men most miserable.”

1 Corinthians 15:19

NoGod This title and the accompanying scripture describe two different kinds of people.

For those that live by their own perceptions of existence, there is no second thought of life and living. Without the oversight of an angry, vengeful, eternal or perhaps ethereal being judging or condemning your life, there certainly is a freedom to live life with abandon. With no fear of an end-time accounting, consequences of the triumphs or tragedies of life are irrelevant.

For Christians that do believe in a God, the perspective of life, living, and eternity is quite different -- not because they live under the auspices of an evil task-master god, but because they believe in God’s loving promise of a hopeful and glorious future. However as today’s scripture so pointedly states, if in fact there is no god and the hope that the bible promises is simply a fantasy, then all these high principles of living, service and love for others above themselves is not only pointless, but winds up being a miserable waste of the short time that could have been enjoyed in a life.

Depending on your view of life and death in either case, YOU’D BETTER BE RIGHT because the end result will be exactly as you imagined. The difference for the Christian though is H.O.P.E. of a Heaven Of Peaceful Eternity.

Depending on what you believe, you better be right.

So what exactly do YOU believe?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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