Article No. 0556

Do Not Accept
False for True

“Let no one
In any way
Deceive You.”

2 Thessalonians 2:3

airbrushed-picture Look at this picture carefully. Which image do you prefer?

Well if you are honest with yourself it would be the one on the right because it looks a lot more attractive, but the real person is the young lady on the left and this points to an important spiritual lesson that is happening right now -- and especially in our high-tech world today.

We are continually being bombarded with false images, inaccurate news reports, rumors, and pictures and especially special effects movies that paint a picture that someone wants us to hear, see, or believe that is not true. Yet today’s scripture reminds us to not let ourselves be deceived, and in many other passages commands us to be wise and see things clearly. Why? Because the greatest deceiver in the world is not Photoshop, special effects, or 'fake news' but is Satan himself who “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14)

Friend, especially today, it is becoming more and more difficult distinguishing between the real and the unreal and the only way you can see clearly is by viewing the world and what is happening through the true lense of God’s Word - THE BIBLE - and not what is presented in a sophisticated manner to your eyes or ears. God’s Word is our only true light and the only reliable way to discern truth from deception.

So do not let yourself be deceived by pretty pictures! See truth as it is - not as you would like it to be.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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