Article No. 0555

Yes! There Really Are
Only TWO Kinds Of
People In The World

“The LORD is extremely patient
Waiting for you and
Desiring that NONE BE LOST
But all people will hear and come repenting.”

2 Peter 3:9
[ Paraphrased ]

Lost-Or-Saved We’ve all heard that before and it’s true! There are rich people and poor people, fat and skinny, young and old, tall and short, left handed and right handed, kind and cruel, generous and stingy, givers and takers, and wise and unwise. We could go on endlessly about different types of people, but there is only one category that really is meaningful and that is those that are SAVED and LOST.

If this offends you, it is not because you are in the first of these pairs but in the second, and if so there is nothing more important in this life for you to understand to bring you into the next life then what follows, so please hear me out for a moment.

Let’s assume for a minute that there really is a God and that this God 'Is Love.' Even that phrase comes from The Bible which also says that this loving God does not want - anyone - to be “LOST” (that is, not with him safely forever in eternity) but instead to be “SAVED” from a self-imposed banishment to an eternity void of any light, love, peace, or hope. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me, yet many when told that they are either SAVED or LOST bristle at the terms as some sort of condemning religious nonsense. So here is the final conclusion of the matter…

Those that cry out in earnest honesty and humility and recognize they are sinners and ask God to forgive them are the SAVED. By default, all those that don’t choose, want, care, or believe all that rubbish as foolishness are the LOST -- but here’s the trick. You don’t have to believe ANY of the above if you choose not to. If so, then there are in fact many 'Two Different Types Of People,' but saved and lost aren’t two of them! That leaves one final question.

If there are not those that are either SAVED -or- LOST, what type of person then are you?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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