Article No. 0554

If People
Don’t Fear God
They Won’t Fear
Anything Else

“Let us hear the
Conclusion of the whole matter.
For this is the whole duty of man. ”

Ecclesiastes 12:13

fearless-woman I recently saw a program about a soldier in World War II that was completely fearless, only because he believed that no matter what he did, that he would not get injured or die and he fortunately survived the war without a scratch. This raises an interesting question.

If you lived your life without fear of the future and knowing that nothing could hurt you, (like this smiling woman in the photo) no matter what you said or did, would you act the same? Well actually, there are a lot of people that live their life exactly that way doing what they want, when they want, where they want with who they want. They live by their own rules not realizing that while you may skirt physical, legal, or even moral laws, you cannot escape Spiritual Law.

You see while we all have free will to do anything that we want in this life, after your life is over there will be an accounting. Now to be fair, if you do not believe there is a God - NO PROBLEM! Eat, drink, be merry and get all the gusto in life you can because, why not? There is no god, heaven or hell so just live life to the fullest. And if that is your persuasion, that makes absolutely perfect sense.

On the other hand there is a healthy fear that today’s scripture addresses and that is “what-if?” this God/Eternal Life/Accountability thing IS true? Well then, that changes the game considerably.

Today’s verse could be paraphrased this way for modern ears:

“Here is what you need to keep in mind in this life - when you pay attention to and live your life by God’s guidelines, that’s all you need to do to live now and forever WITHOUT FEAR.

Friend, if you have been living by your own rules, consider that there is a better way leading to a better end. As the ancient sage Ecclesiastes said; “Fear God, and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, for this is the whole duty of man.”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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