Article No. 0552

What You Planted
Is What You Will Harvest

“Those that sow seeds to please their flesh,
Will reap destruction, but
Those that sow seed to God’s Spirit will
From the Spirit reap eternal life.”

Galatians 6:8

plant-seed We all live lives that are the culmination of everything we have done before. Where you are right now at this moment is a result of every decision you’ve ever made. Like the construction of a building, it’s height, size, strength and form are all a consequence of everything that has been placed into it, and like the building, so are our lives. So that begs this question…

If the seed you planted yesterday is TODAY’S HARVEST, then your tomorrow is a result of what you plant TODAY.

As Galatians 6:8 says, WHAT you sow and WHERE you sow it will yield one type of fruit or another. Depending on what kind of seed it is, it will yield eternal life to your spirit (which is eternal) or to the pleasure of your body (which eventually will die).

So friend, what are you planting today? And will it yield the harvest you hope to reap TOMORROW?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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