Article No. 0551

The Difference Between a
Wedding and a Marriage

“Whoever has my commandments and
Keeps them, he it is who loves me. And
He who loves me will be loved by my Father,
And I will love him and manifest myself to him”

John 14:21

ChristianCommitment One of the biggest misconceptions about becoming a Christian is that all you need to do is go forward to the altar in a church service or crusade, recite a simple prayer about 'Asking Jesus to come into your heart.' and Voilà! “You’re Saved!” In one sense this is no different from two people walking down to the altar and saying 'I DO' only to see half of these marriages fall away and end in divorce.

These 'Commitments to Christ,' like weddings can be highly emotional charged experiences where words are exchanged from the heart, but in the end the commitment and dedication does not last. However truly being 'In Christ' and living, walking and running along the Christian path is the exact opposite.

Jesus repeatedly said that in order to truly be a disciple that you must “Follow Me,” and with that comes some sobering realities about what the Christian walk entails. It may mean leaving family, friends, home or career that may take you in directions that you never expected. (Matthew 10:37-39) Just like in a committed marriage, along with the good times there also are the difficult times that test your faith and your character. To do so takes determination and a desire to work towards a higher goal and to “Run the Good Race.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

So this is the difference between truly walking with God and going through the motions of saying a prayer, getting baptized and going to church once a week. Like those that train to run to win a race, the same dedication is required as a true disciple. It requires putting your hand to the plow and not looking back (Luke 9:62), and hoeing your row straight towards that cross in front of you along a road that at times will be rocky and undulating.

Christian, as the Word says, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) run the good race, always keep looking up and pushing forward to the higher calling that He has called you to.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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