Article No. 0550

Our Three
Deadly Enemies

“The lust of the flesh, and
The lust of the eyes, and
The pride of life.”

1 John 2:16

world-flesh-devil Did you know that there are three adversaries that all of us face in this life? The problem is that we have gotten so used to them being there that we think that feeling this way is normal, but in the spirit realm, all three are a deadly poison.

Today’s verse is often referred to as the temptations of 'The WORLD, The FLESH & The DEVIL' - and for good reason. You see, no matter how good you or I think we are, we all at one time wrestle with one, two or all three of these attacks which tear at us.

For men in particular, lust - especially in a sexually charged world - is a constant battle with suggestive pictures everywhere in magazines, TV and on-line. Women also can get caught up in pornography which is shockingly consumed by over half of the population today, and don’t forget food, alcohol and drugs which for some are more desirable than sex.

The lust of the eyes hits so many various fronts - be it envy of a car better than our neighbors, a bigger diamond ring, or having that perfect body or look that you chase after. One attribute of lust is no matter how much you get, it is never enough.

Lastly is the reason why Lucifer - God’s most beautiful and perfect angel - fell from heaven and became Satan due to his vaunted pride in who he (thought) he was. This is the hallmark of the DEVIL, and as he led one-third of all angels to rebel against and leave God’s kingdom, likewise he seeks the same for your soul too through one or all of these lusts.

This life is wrought with many temptations, but God’s Word gives us this promise:

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”
1 Corinthians 10:13

The Key here is to trust He who can help you 'make a way to escape' the World, The Flesh, and The Devil - and that is not with YOU that are able, but with HIM THAT IS ABLE.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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