Article No. 0549

The Opposites of
Clean and Straight

“Straight is the Way
That Leadeth to
Eternal Life” 

Matthew 7:14

opposites When I was a little boy a group of men were gathered in a circle, ears eagerly leaning forward to a man whispering something. They suddenly burst into laughter and when I tried to get in on it, they said I was too young, because these were 'dirty jokes' and for 'men only.' It wasn’t until years later that I learned what that meant, not only with jokes, but with the kind of people who revel in all things dirty.

Those of us that don’t like dirty jokes and approach life differently are often called “STRAIGHT” So if the opposite of CLEAN Jokes are DIRTY Jokes, what then is the opposite of a STRAIGHT person? And what kind of person would that be??

Today’s verse talks about a straight road that leads to a good end. Like with the opposite of clean jokes, what then is the opposite of the straight road? And what kind of people are walking on it? And where then logically will that road end?

So what kind of person are you? And what kind of road are you on?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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