Article No. 0546

Don’t Just 'Mind,'
But DO Your
OWN Business

“What is That to Thee?
Follow Thou Me”

John 21:21

minding-your-own-business Have you ever seen a job assigned to someone else and wondered why you weren’t asked to do it, or looked at how someone else was in the boss’ favor and you were left out?

Well, that is the rebuke that Jesus gave to Peter commenting about the Apostle John’s role that Christ was projecting for him, and Peter didn’t like it! To which Jesus sharply responded to Peter in today’s verse (heavily paraphrased for meaning) saying in essence-

“If I decide to do something regarding my plans,
What have you to do with that?!?
I told you to FOLLOW ME and
Do what I told you to do, and
Not concern yourself with what
I told someone else to do.”

In other words, all of us have a God given role to fulfill in this life, but always remember this. It is not what you are doing, but Are you doing what God has tasked you to do?? In other words, do not concern yourself with someone else’s business, but simply DO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO DO.

God has a perfect plan to be executed in the world, and your piece is one important part of it. The nail is just as important in building the house as the hammer, so if you are the nail, don’t strive to be a hammer, or if you are assigned to fish, then fish to the best of your ability, not concerning yourself with how others are doing.

Do you know what God wants you to do…and are you doing it?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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