Article No. 0545

This is the
Secret to

“Don’t Be Unwise,
But endevour to know
What is the will of the Lord.”

Ephesians 5:17

thinking-woman If you ask most people to define 'success,' you’ll get a variety of answers.

For many it means wealth, for others having a Top Career Or Position, or perhaps being Famous and/or being Well Respected By Others. In this life, all of these have their place, but what is God’s Measure Of Success??

Today’s scripture gives us a strong clue, but if there is one thing that could guide us without a doubt, it would be this:

WILL of God

You see, God knows your best path for every aspect of your life. This includes your job or career, who you’ll marry, where you should live, or what things He wants you to do and accomplish. The Bible tells story after story of people that were obedient to God - and as a result - they successfully accomplished what He set them out to do.

So friend, if you are seeking to be successful in life, don’t just 'think' or develop your own plan on how you’ll succeed! Instead seek out God’s perfect and purposeful WILL, and when you understand and DO what He has directed you to do, then you will truly be 'Prosperous and Have Great Success.' (Joshua 1:8)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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