Article No. 0543

God Wants You To
Use Your Gifts

“So we are to use our different gifts
In accordance with the grace that
God has given us.”

Romans 12:6

HolySpirit+Hands God gives us gifts or talents not just for our enjoyment, but also to share with others, and when we do we can add greatly to the lives of those around us. Just imagine how gloomy the world would be if nobody shared their talents! Instead when we use and share our gifts with others they not only bring us delight but fill a valuable need in others! This is a win-win situation because when we exercise our God given endowments, people receive a benefit from them.

God gives us our own special gifts for the main purpose of glorifying him but also when we exercise what we have been given it opens more doors and windows for us to receive even more gifts. This is how the Law of God works!

For example in Jesus’ Parable of the Three Talents in Matthew 28:14-30 two of the three people in the story who multiplied their talents were given more, but the person that did nothing had the talent he was given taken away. Likewise we need to think of our gifts and talents from God as investments that will grow to not only benefit us, but others. When we do, we can bless those around us - and in some cases - even to the entire world!

All of us carry within us our own gifts and talents - much like our own fingerprint which makes us distinctively unique from anyone else in the world.  You don’t need to be a great inventor, scientist, or musician for your unique talent to be used by God. Simply take hold of the talent you do have and USE IT.

If you aren’t using your gifts right now or are not sure what they are, ask the Holy Spirit to give you a nudge to show you how important your gifts are…Ask Him to help you activate them and He will show you how much they are needed. Then ask Him to help you find as many ways you can to use them. When you do, you and those around you will be exceedingly blessed!!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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