Article No. 0542

Time Doesn’t Fly...
But We Do

“We all pass through life like exiles and strangers,
Just like all those that lived before us.
Our time here is like a passing shadow, and
We cannot escape death.”

1 Chronicles 29:15

earth+clock-dial-fly-by Despite popular opinion, the saying “Time Flies” isn’t true! Actually as today’s verse says, it is WE that are the ones that are 'flying' through and passing from this life. Meanwhile time quietly loops back upon itself and noting not the passage of time - but the passing of people.

All people that ever have or ever will live are merely here for just the hyphen between the year they were born and the year they will die, but in the infiniteness of eternity our lives are not even a grain in the great hourglass of history. While time stands, we fly by and time doesn’t care or remember who we are or what we did.

Someday others will speak of you in hushed tones saying “Oh, (your name here) passed away” so it is not time that passed, but YOU that passed. The question then is THEN WHAT? And while you cannot escape physical death, you CAN escape spiritual death. Here is how…

If you did not know, the word 'Gospel' literally means Good News, and this good news is that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, but then rose from the dead. In doing so he paved a path for others to follow to PASS from this life to another, as Christ promised us:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that heareth my word, and
Believeth on him that sent me,
Hath everlasting life, and shall
Not come into condemnation; but is
Passed from death unto life.”
John 5:24

Friend, Please do not pass time before time passes you by and you pass away! But believe on and in Christ to pass you from death unto ETERNAL life.

If you have not taken the 'TIME' to make that decision, will you do it right now?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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