Article No. 0541

Your Destiny
Has Already
Been Written

“In the Volume of
The Book It Is
Written of Me” 

Psalm 40:7

angel-writing All of us have Free Will, that is, we all can determine any course of our lives and what actions we choose to take. Whatever we do, plan, endeavour, or accomplish is completely up to us - and how our lives turn out is entirely based on those choices. But did you know that given this freedom, that there is a book written in heaven that already knows the complete story of your life?

Although we have free will, today’s verse gives an interesting insight into how things are viewed in heaven in that our entire life has already been written in a volume with our name on it, but how can this be if we have free will? Here is a simple analogy that explains this perfectly.

Let’s say you wanted to watch your favorite team in an important play-off game, but work or travel kept you from seeing it live, so you decided to record it and watch the entire game from start to finish so that you could enjoy watching it without knowing the final result. But then suppose a friend calls you just before you start watching and says how it turned out. Now you know the entire story! Even though the end is known you didn’t control it, but you did record it. But consider this!

All those players on the field had free will to make (or not make) those plays. You as the recorder did not control them, they controlled themselves, so it was not their Pre-Destination of the outcome, but their choices and actions that PRE-DETERMINED their outcome.

Likewise, so are our lives before God!! We can choose GOOD and do God’s will in this life or NOT just as it is written:

“Then said I, Lo, I come
(in the volume of the book it is written of me,)
To do thy will, O God.”

Hebrews 10:7

Friend, you have two choices in this life. You can choose to drop the ball and lose the game or go across the goal line and come out a victor. Free will is always yours.

How will you choose to write the end of YOUR Book?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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