Article No. 0540

Three Principles For
A Happy, Healthy

“Let all that you do be done in love.”
Corinthians 16:14

bride+groom Marriage is a great blessing, but at times can also be a great trial. The difference between the two depends on the Presence -or- Elimination of SIN and there are three simple ways to do this.

First is affirming each other by the simple but powerful words of “I LOVE YOU.” When we pause to remember how special your spouse is and honor them with the same heart and emotion as you did the first time you said that to each other, it is a regenerative balm to the bond of your relationship and refreshes anew the LOVE between you. As the Apostle Peter wrote:

“Above all, love each other deeply,
Because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

1 Peter 4:8

Remember…saying “I love you” keeps love fresh and new!

Next, when we sincerely say “I’M SORRY,” the grace of God will fall over the problem and bring a healing balm of forgiveness over a difficult situation. Every time you say “I’m sorry,” it strengthens the covenant between both of you and does not allow bitterness and resentment to enter in. It is like a soothing, cool summer breeze that reminds you that you truly love each other and causes you to enjoy the fruit of restoration and blessing.

Lastly marriage is meant to always 'Be There' for each other just as the vow you made to “nourish and cherish” each other just like Christ does for us. It’s a matter of being consciously aware of each other’s needs asking,  “HOW CAN I HELP YOU?” A stable marriage requires us to have open lines of communication with PATIENCE by listening attentively and reacting without irritation. This is something most of us need to work on. There is no other relationship as intimate as marriage and for the sake of it, we must be willing to be vulnerable to expose our heart, to share our weaknesses and to ask for help from each other whenever it is needed.

If you are married (or plan to be) keep these three things in mind. When you do, a marriage full of love for your spouse - and your spouse’s love for  you - will resonate with the love and grace of Christ centered between you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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