Article No. 0538

This Blood Donor
Will Save Your Life!

“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were
Not redeemed with corruptible things…
But with the precious blood of Christ.”

1 Peter 1:18-19

blood-donor I have been faithfully given blood since 1977 because giving blood saves hundreds of thousands of people each year who have suffered life threatening injuries from certain death. If you have not considered being a blood donor, please do so because not only will it help others, but it will also help your health as your body generates new life-giving blood into your body.

Although we have not been in a horrific accident, our mortal bodies are all headed for certain death too, however there is a supernatural blood transfusion that will not only save you from eternal death, but lift you into eternal life! And that is through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

There is only one thing you must do to receive this supernatural transfusion and that is to simply ask to receive it. If you have not asked Christ to cover your sins with His Supernatural blood, you can do so today, right now simply by saying this prayer spoken from your heart:

Heavenly Father, I have done many detestable things in my life and sinned against you and wronged others. I have no excuse for my actions and ask that you forgive me, wipe the slate clean of my sins by the cleansing Blood of Christ. From this day forward I recognize and honor you as my Saviour and my Lord. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ and by his donation of Blood for Me. - Amen

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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