Article No. 0535

Which Hand
Are You

“For you are the children of
Your father the devil, and
You love to do the evil things he does.”

John 8:44

WhichHand Who is your spiritual father?

Well we all have an earthly father, but your spiritual father will be based on what you love to do. If it is to follow after God and His righteousness, then your spiritual father is on the right, but if it is following after your own wants, desires and lusts, then it is on the left!

Sound harsh?!? YES, for sure! But this is exactly what Jesus was saying in today’s scripture. You see, we are with who we associate with. If it is that which seeks the higher good of God, honors His commandments and follows His Word, The Bible, then you are of your Father in Heaven and you are holding onto the hand on the right, however if not by default you are unwittingly holding onto the hand on the left.

We are all either children of GOD or children of the DEVIL and we all have a choice which hand we choose.

Which hand do you want to hold onto?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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